This page is created primarely for our fellow travelers who may want reprints of photos.

First, feel free to swipe any picture off this site and use it for your own (if you are an anonymouse web surfer who found this page on a search engine, feel free to use these but please give me credit).

For color reprints, right-click on the photo you are interested in and click on 'Properties' -- this will give you the filename of the graphic.

You can then send me an e-mail at with your requests.

Reprints go as follows:

For all orders, please send me $2.00 to cover my end for postage and envelopes.

4X6 -- $1.50 a print
5X7 -- $3.50 a print

For B&W prints, let me know if you are interested. I can do them as 5X7 or 8X10 but I need to do them in my darkroom and they take a little more time.